Providence Ready is a healthcare provider group located in Oregon, Washington, California, Alaska, New Mexico, and Texas. They offer paid internships for college seniors and graduate students throughout the year. Interns may be placed in various departments such as Finance, Community Health, Workforce Intelligence, and Marketing. Students from any major are encouraged to apply.
The internships are designed to provide mentorship, training, and opportunities to develop new skills. Some interns will have specific job roles while others will have project-based responsibilities. Each intern will be matched to a specific department and assigned a direct supervisor. Interns will:
- Attend Providence New Employee Orientation
- Gain exposure to various departments within Providence through informational interviewing and/or job shadowing
- Have opportunities to participate in surgical viewings and/or career exposure events if applicable
- Be invited to intern workshops on topics such organization, professional development, how to get a job, and leadership skills, as well as guest speaker sessions. Interns are also invited to weekly group virtual calls to network and build a sense of community among peers.
- Internships are offered at various times throughout the year and vary by location, department and duration. Paid internships are posted on our Providence jobs page.
Check out what some of our previous interns have to say in Providence Ready’s INTERN SPOTLIGHT VIDEOS›
To learn more about the internship programs, please visit the following link:
Who is eligible?
Undergraduate seniors and graduate students are eligible for the respective types of internships. Applicants will need to check the specific job posting to determine the location requirements. We are looking for applicants that demonstrate a commitment to helping under-served members of our communities. Those with good customer service skills who can relate well with individuals from varying backgrounds are preferred.
What are the work hours?
Participants can work 1-5 days a week, but no more than 40 hours per week and 8 hours per day. Internship days can be scheduled around academic responsibilities. Time off will be considered, but not necessarily granted. Intern schedules will be worked out between the intern and their direct supervisor after the interview process.
How do I apply?
Apply through the Providence Jobs site. Please include a resume and cover letter. If you need assistance building your resume and crafting a standout cover letter, MMT can help!
After applying, selected candidates will be sent an online interview screen (either a recorded video interview or text screen). Candidates should complete this screen within a maximum of 5 days after receiving it. It can be completed on a smart phone, tablet, or computer. Candidates selected to move forward will then be invited to a panel-style, interview.
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